Sylvie Sterling 2025 - Conscious Life Expo
Sylvie Sterling 2025
Free Workshops 2025
A Saturday Day Pass is required to attend this Free Workshop
Sylvie Sterling 2025
Starseed Awakening Thru Your Cat
Saturday, February 8th | 6:00pm-7:30pm | Room: Laguna

Starseed Awakening Through Your Cat

Did you know that cats and humans are closely related? We were both seeded here from Lyra, and we share more DNA and personality with cats than other beings. Join Sylvie & the Cats in this workshop, as they talk about the feline Lyran blueprint in humanity, and how cats are here to awaken us to our starseed mission.

Internationally acclaimed cat whisperer and Lyran emissary, Sylvie will help you activate your feline starseed blueprint to:

• Connect with your cat/s and your Lyran/Sirian star families.
• Get Lyran/Sirian star code activations in a guided meditation.

• Live Q&A around everything feline in the Universe.

Leave this workshop with a deep connection with your beloved cat and your galactic feline heritage.

Sylvie Sterling is a Cat Whisperer, Lyran Starseed & Ascension Guide. As the author of THE CAT SECRET, she empowers cat lovers around the world to awaken to their true selves and their starseed mission with the help of their cats.