Susanne Wilson 2025 - Conscious Life Expo
Susanne Wilson 2025
Free Workshop 2025
A Friday Day Pass is required to attend this free Workshop.
Susanne Wilson 2025
Train Your Spirit Guides
Friday, February 7th | 6:00pm-7:30pm | Room: Plaza

Train Your Spirit Guides

People often ask, "How can I communicate with my spirit guides?" If you have ever wondered what your guides are trying to tell you, don't miss this opportunity!

Join Susanne Wilson for an experiential session intended for you to "train" your team of spirit guides on how best to work with you. Susanne will take you through the steps to identify and validate the spirit guide communication method that is the best for both parties right now. In the final moments, several attendees may ask Susanne and the guides their personal questions, as seen in Susanne's online Satsangs, using a random drawing. However, EVERYONE will learn ways to leverage their own spirit guides to create a life with more ease.

Susanne J. Wilson, MA, the Carefree Medium, is an intuition educator, spiritual teacher, and medium with abilities that have undergone scientic study and validation. She is the author of "Soul Smart: What the Dead Teach Us About Spirit Communication."