Instant Healing
Instant Healing: Gain Inner Strength, Empower Yourself and Create Your Destiny
In a world of chaos and uncertainty, Instant Healing provides a powerfully positive solution. By using simple affirmations, you can experience immediate healing, comfort, and solace. You can gain self-empowerment, inner strength, wellness, and abundance beyond your dreams.
Instant Healing provides 243 healing affirmations and methods that are simple and effective. They require no background or training. Just read them audibly, with conviction, in a clear voice. Then let go and allow miracles to happen.
Buy it HERE
Dr. Susan Shumsky is dedicated to helping people take command of their lives in highly effective, positive ways. Best-selling author of 20 books, 39 foreign editions, winner of 46 prestigious book awards, pioneer in human potential field, she has taught meditation, affirmation, and intuition to thousands worldwide. /