The Ancient Colour Code

The Ancient Colour Code
A journey into knowledge: the symbolic keys of colors through the archaeometer's initiatory science.
How to improve your life with the 'Triadic Colors' is the fundamental principle behind the ancient Archeometer, a powerful tool from the past considered the key to all religions and awareness. This is the simplest and most practical formula for gaining awareness of the potential of colors in our lives. Take control of your life with the help of color and its nuanced meanings. In this book, you will find a guide to choosing colors that can assist you every day. You will learn the triads of colors for success, happiness, infinite possibilities, and the soul. You will also become acquainted with ancient alphabets and mystical teachings of Alchemy and Hebrew Kabbalah. Additionally, you will explore colors in relation to personality archetypes.
Samya Ilaria Di Donato | Mentor of Colors | Author of 33 Bestselling Books | Business Coach. Founder of “Unisaggezza,” an evolutionary university dedicated to ancient knowledge; creator of the “Coloranima” and “Colorsophia” projects; international speaker specialized in Chromopsychology; university lecturer; recognized as one of the foremost international researchers in the field of colors.