Rebecca Dawson 2025 - Conscious Life Expo
Rebecca Dawson 2025
Free Workshop 2025
A Friday Day Pass is required to attend this free Workshop.
Rebecca Dawson 2025
An Afternoon with the Masters
Friday, February 7th | 2:00pm-3:30pm | Room: Rabbit Hole

An Afternoon with the Masters 

Join us for an incredible channeled conversation with The Masters (St Germain, Serapis Bey & Kuthumi) as we dive into powerful new views of reality and expand our awareness of our inherent capacity to manifest life. This spontaneous creation will be perfectly attuned to the unique vibration of those attending, delivering wisdom for igniting your potential and expanding your consciousness. Topics may include: the nature of reality; relationships; the human experience; manifestation; multidimensionality and time; evolution of The Earth; and more. This is an interactive event, and includes time for Q&A. Bring your curiosity, open heart and mind, and be ready to be stretched with love and wisdom as we discover more about our reality.

Rebecca Dawson is an international channeller and author, sharing messages from her team of Masters for the past 30 years.  She delivers current, leading-edge information about humanity's paradigm shift to multidimensional experience, the mechanics of reality, and the human blueprint.