Ra of Earth 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Ra of Earth 2024
Keynote Workshop 2024
A Sunday Day Pass is required to attend this paid Workshop.
Ra of Earth 2024
Amplify Power in Reality
Sunday, February 11th | 4:00pm-5:30pm | Room: Marina

5 Elements to Amplify Power in Reality

Embark on a transformative journey with Ra of Earth as he unveils the ancient wisdom and scientic practices to unlock your true nature and amplify power in this reality. Discover the profound connection between light, water, earth, air, and ether, and learn how to harmonize with these elemental forces. Through practical techniques and insights, Ra reveals the scientic foundations behind these practices, empowering you to manifest your dreams. Join this enlightening workshop where you will learn how to embrace the power of the 5 elements and embark on a path of self-discovery, enhanced well-being, and the manifestation of your fullest potential.

Ra of Earth brings two decades of expertise in health and wellness. He has professional experience, academic knowledge, and is a content creator. With ancient wisdom and scientic practices, he teaches how to attain harmony of self to increase power.