Lemurian Fellowship 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Lemurian Fellowship 2024
Free Lecture 2024
A Friday Day Pass is required to attend this Free Lecture
Lemurian Fellowship 2024
What Made Lemuria Great?
Friday February 9th | 6:00pm-6:45pm | Room: Century B

What Made Lemuria Great?


Discover many little-known facts about Lemuria, including the importance of family and education, the elevated status of women and the Lemurian Masters’ Great Plan to build a New Civilization based on the Wisdom Teachings of ancient Lemuria. This continent’s location is pinpointed and its accomplishments are revealed. Find your road map to higher advancement and life’s true purpose by following cosmic laws and balanced living.

Since 1936 the Lemurian Fellowship has spread these teachings to individuals longing to fulfill their true place in life, build noble character, and find inner peace and satisfaction.