Leigh Dundas 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Leigh Dundas 2024
Keynote Workshop 2024
A Sunday Day Pass is required to attend this paid Workshop.
Leigh Dundas 2024
Winning the War on Freedom
Sunday, February 11th | 12:00pm-1:30pm | Room: Rabbit Hole

Winning the War on Freedom 

Recently, America has faced some of the most unprecedented times ever seen. Here and now we are seeing the erosion of our country's fundamental values and civil liberties.  The good news?  We have the power to change it.  Heroes are not made in times of peace, and the reality is that we are the heroes upon whom we’ve been waiting.  Armed with information, trained with skills, convicted of courage – and believing without cease that our children and this planet deserve more – we will yet see victory overcome these injustices. Winning the war on freedom does not depend on the next lawsuit or knight in shining armor:  it depends upon average citizens everywhere deploying 5th Generation skills to vanquish the enemy at our gate.  To that end, I invite you to come learn on February 11, 2024, the proven strategies for defeating injustices large and small so that – together – we can save our freedom and tomorrow’s children!  


Human Rights Attorney Leigh Dundas is known the world over for her fiery speeches in defense of freedom and liberty.  A force to be reckoned with, she has been touted as a one-woman legal hurricane, a Freedom Fighter Extraordinaire, and a riveting on-stage magician who never fails to leave the audience electrified with her stories of righting some of the biggest wrongs that have visited the planet this century. The Dundas name is synonymous with her no-holds-barred, nuclear presentations before school boards and oversight committees, which routinely leave the targeted miscreant fired and their evil plans defeated. A direct descendant of Patrick Henry, Leigh never fails to leave an audience on their feet, and is a celebrated author who recently released her new book:  Just Stand Up – My Fight For Freedom from the Brothels of Asia to the Streets of America which can be purchased at www.LeighDundas.com