February 2024 - Lecture 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
  • Ilene Cohn Reichman 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Ilene Cohn-Reichman Esq. 2024

    Protect Yourself From 5G!  Cell phones, computers, iPads, zooms, and FaceTime... What a remarkable age we live in! BUT AT WHAT COST? 5G...

  • Adi Dharma 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Adi Dharma 2024

    Manifest Like a Yogi Would you like to learn how yogis and tantrics manifest? Adi Dharma is here to share his experience on the yogic path and how...

  • Keith Morey 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Keith Morey 2024

    Disease, Cancer, Divorce  As society looks for answers to target chronic illness, improve their quality of life and age robustly, Keith has served as a...

  • Amanda Romania 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Amanda Romania 2024

    Akashic Records & Oracles  Access the mysteries of the infinite field of information that is The Akashic Records. Understand the wisdom of the Oracle...

  • Janette Ressue 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Janette Ressue 2024

    Ignite Your Quantum Power  Welcome to an exciting exploration of your innate Master System, your bioenergetics! SoulSearch Luminary & Master Coach Janette Ressue...

  • Isaac Mars 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Isaac Mars 2024

    UH: The Science of Christ  Unity Holodynamics, the cutting-edge science of the times, is the scientific perspective that reunites heart with mind, feeling with thought,...

  • Galaxy Starborn 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Galaxy Starborn 2024

    Special Needs & Gifts Join us for a heart-warming talk about how to recognize and support special needs, as well as special gifts, in others and in ourselves. As a Starseed...

  • Dr. Aaron Orpelli 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Dr. Aaron Orpelli 2024

    Discover the Future of Healing with VSEL’s Therapy! Join us at our exclusive event to unlock the incredible potential of Very Small Embryonic-Like Stem Cell (VSEL’s) therapy...

  • Maro Vandanyan 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Maro Vardanyan 2024

    5th Dimensional Economics  What would a spiritual economy look like? What does spiritual money look like? As we ascend global consciousness and evolve technologically, what type of...

  • Joe Blanton 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Joe Blanton 2024

    Self-Healing ReVitalaser The science behind Red-InfraRed Laser Light activating the Mitochondria and producing 30% more life force energy in your body in 30 seconds with more oxygen and better...

  • Deborah Stuart 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Deborah Stuart 2024

    Sacred Geometry Gateway to the New World; a World of Magic and Miracles!  Join us as we journey into Sacred Geometry, whose patterns and mysteries the Ancient Egyptians understood as crystallized...

  • Dale Halaway 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Dale Halaway Lecture 2024

    The Soul’s Life Force  Do you live in a way that's consistent with what your SOUL wants for you, or what your EGO wants for you?In this talk, you'll learn what part of our internal system the SOUL wants...

  • Ishita Bhama 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Ishita Bhama 2024

    Manifesting Your Divine Life  Have you always pictured yourself living the most wonderful life with more ease, grace, & love? In...

  • Mark Sorensen 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Mark Sorensen 2024

    Crystalline Technology  High vibe conscious crystals from 130 light years away, verified by the Unified Galactic Federation. They have been...

  • Ravi Ratan 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Dr. Ravi Ratan 2024

    Chakras & Lymph Drainage  Our Mental and emotional state affects our Chakra health. Our Sacral Chakra is associated with Vyan Vayu, the energy...

  • Todd Smith 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Todd Smith 2024

    The Art of Attachment Please join to learn key concepts for creating a conscious love relationship. About half of all marriages end in divorce, creating untold...

  • Samuel Kiwasz 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Samuel Kiwasz 2024

    The Oneness of Creation  In this vast multi-dimensional Universe, there is a mathematical pattern that repeats itself in countless ways. This points to a Divine...

  • Amalia Camateros 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Amalia Camateros 2024

    Earth Spirit Wisdom  Get out of your head and drop into your body being, calm your mind and manage your emotional energy in your hectic schedule, stay focused, tap into...

  • Linda Makuta 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Dr. Linda Makuta 2024

    Teeth-Body Connection  What can you do to enhance your whole body health? Take care of your teeth and mouth. Your mouth is the window to your body and is super important. What...

  • Vedran Vulicevic 2024

    Free Lecture 2024

    Vedran Vulicevic 2024

    Separation to Unity Discover how Vedran faced his past's wreckage through the tumultuous landscape of civil war, economic hardship, and addiction, in the midst of...
