Laura Jean Anderson 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Laura Jean Anderson 2024
Free Lecture 2024
A Saturday Day Pass is required to attend this free lecture.
Laura Jean Anderson 2024
Wellness Technology
Saturday, February 10th | 11:00am-11:45am | Room: Century B

The Future of Wellness Technology

Our world is changing rapidly, and in recent decades technology has been the main driver of that change, from satellites to computers.  The result has been a stress load that we humans were never designed to handle, with impacts on our bodies at a cellular level.  Ironically, a different kind of technology can help us.  In this presentation you will learn about the primary causes of everyday stress and a remarkable next generation technology designed to protect our bodies, enhance well-being and energize you so you can live the life you were intended to live.

Laura-Jean Anderson began her professional career as a psychotherapist, then left to follow her love of acting and singing.  But when a close family member was diagnosed with a rare endocrine disorder, her focus shifted to finding natural, non-invasive holistic solutions to the effects of the daily steroids recommended by allopathic medicine.  On that journey she became a Reike Master and practitioner of Quantum Touch, Reconnection, Matrix Energetics, Qi Aura Integration and Qi Gong.  She returned to school to study nutrition, Functional Medicine and Biological Medicine.  She is a Certified Health Coach, and a Metabolic Terrain Advocate for people with cancer, certified by Dr. Nasha Winters.  Laura-Jean is also certified by the Association of Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Professionals.