Jerry Sargeant Lecture 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Jerry Sargeant 2024
Free Lecture 2024
A Saturday Day Pass is required to attend this Free Lecture
Jerry Sargeant Lecture 2024
Divine Spark
Saturday February 10th | 2:00pm-2:45pm | Room: Century A

Divine Spark

Inside every human being lies a Divine Spark of Pure Potential. This spark gives you direct access to Infinite Intelligence, held in the void in between 7 Super-Universes. During this workshop, Jerry will dive into how the Divine Spark can change your life and how you can access this level of pure potential to elevate, expand and grow on your human journey. Jerry will take you into a meditation to connect with the spark.

Jerry Sargeant is a globally recognized healer who has redefined our understanding of what's possible. His groundbreaking approach merges subtle energy, frequency, quantum physics, visualization, and intention to catalyze profound transformation