Isaac Mars 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Isaac Mars 2024
Free Lecture 2024
A Saturday Day Pass is required to attend this free lecture.
Isaac Mars 2024
UH: The Science of Christ
Saturday, February 10th | 8:00pm-8:45pm | Room: Century A

UH: The Science of Christ 

Unity Holodynamics, the cutting-edge science of the times, is the scientific perspective that reunites heart with mind, feeling with thought, strength with weakness, and Love with fear; all of which are necessary to embody the Christic principles in perfect balance. By manifesting imbalances of these energies throughout our modern world, we have trapped ourselves in our own mental slavery. With science finally supporting the Truth of Unity, we now leave the age of darkness behind.

Isaac Mars is a Physicist of Unity Holodynamics and a Leader in the Global Sovereignty movement. With his book, "Unity Theory", Isaac vows to end all slavery with absolute conviction.