Ilene Cohn-Reichman Esq. 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Ilene Cohn Reichman 2024
Free Lecture 2024
A Sunday Day Pass is required to attend this free lecture.
Ilene Cohn-Reichman Esq. 2024
Protect Yourself From 5G!
Sunday, February 11th | 12:00pm-12:45pm | Room: Century C

Protect Yourself From 5G! 

Cell phones, computers, iPads, zooms, and FaceTime... What a remarkable age we live in! BUT AT WHAT COST? 5G EMF (wireless radiation), originally a military weapon, has been the documented cause of increased depression, ADHD, anxiety, skin rashes, vision and hearing loss, brain and other cancers, dementia, heart irregularities and cellular mutation in adults, children, plants and animals. In this workshop, you will learn the top 10 tools to mitigate the negative eects of EMFs.

Ilene Cohn-Reichman is an attorney, nutritionist, author, advanced clearing practitioner, coach, personal and business development trainer, international speaker on health and wellness crises and the founder of Cohn Leadership.