Evan Nathaniel Grim 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Evan Nathaniel Grim 2024
Keynote Workshop 2024
A Friday Day Pass is required to attend this paid Workshop.
Evan Nathaniel Grim 2024
Healing Wounds with Astrology
Friday, February 9th | 8:00pm-9:30pm | Room: La Jolla

Healing Ancestral Wounds with Astrology

The birth chart goes deeper than us – it is also a snapshot of our parents’ psychological state and their life events at the time of our birth. In essence, we inherit our parents’ energy in addition to their DNA; they are a karmic mirror. I explain how each placement in our chart connects back to our parents (based on over 1,000 readings) and how we can use this knowledge to more consciously evolve through these energies. This includes confronting some of the challenging aspects that lie within our ancestry and reprogramming it so we can heal ourselves in the process.

Evan Nathaniel Grim is a former data analyst turned astrologer whose straightforward yet deeply intuitive style has caught the attention of over 40 million people across TikTok, Instagram and YouTube.