Elizabeth Wilcock Seraphine 2025 - Conscious Life Expo
Elizabeth Seraphine 2025
Keynote Workshop 2025
A Saturday Day Pass is Required to attend this Paid Workshop.
Elizabeth Wilcock Seraphine 2025
Winning the War on Your Soul
Saturday, February 8th | 6:00pm-7:30pm | Room: Rabbit Hole

Winning the War On Your Soul

Uncovering the Great Deception & Embodying Your Ascended Timeline

Elizabeth will uncover The Great Deception, so you can be free of it, and anchor in the Ascended Timeline instead! The time that we are in has been prophesied by many wisdom traditions and it is called the Ascension. We have known that timelines would split based on the choices each individual makes and we are observing that happening now. Earth is called "the Choice" and the choice is: Do you fall for the Great Deception, or do you choose the Divine and your Divinity? This is The Great Awakening. Awakening to the reality that you are an eternal soul, that you are one with the Divine and that you can call upon Divine Will and Divine Law to Embody your highest timeline of love, abundance and empowered expression! In this Workshop, we will anchor in this Divine timeline, choosing to be loving seeds planted into the New Earth, sharing our ascended gifts with the children of light. 

Elizabeth Wilcock Seraphine is a Mentor to medicine women, mystics and priestesses. She has helped pioneer the return of the modern priestess and founded The Priestess Path Lineages of Light® Mystery School. Over a quarter million women have taken her programs and through this, she has seeded a new generation of women living their sacred life. Over half her life, she has been trained by masters and grandmasters, has five black belts and co-owned five martial arts schools. During her marriage to David Wilcock, she was exposed to insiders and whistleblowers and is on the front lines fighting for the freedom of the human soul. For more information, see http://www.elizabethseraphine.com