Deborah Stuart 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Deborah Stuart 2024
Free Lecture 2024
A Sunday Day Pass is required to attend this free Workshop.
Deborah Stuart 2024
Sacred Geometry
Sunday, February 10th | 12:00pm-12:45pm | Room: Century D

Sacred Geometry

Gateway to the New World; a World of Magic and Miracles!  Join us as we journey into Sacred Geometry, whose patterns and mysteries the Ancient Egyptians understood as crystallized forms, showing us the invisible vibrational matrix behind matter.  As we tune into this matrix, we can receive help from benevolent beings of realms of consciousness who only want to give us anything we want, because we are making this evolutionary leap in consciousness.

Deborah Stuart, Founder and CEO of HighChi Energy. Sacred Geometry and Ancient Egyptian technology led Deborah to design not only Sacred Geometry Jewelry but proprietary energies that incorporate BioGeometry and Cymatic Frequencies.
