Dannion Brinkley - Workshop 2022, Coming Expo Date, Session Passes
Dannion Brinkley 2025
Keynote Workshop 2025
A Friday Day Pass is Required to attend this Paid Workshop.
Dannion Brinkley 2025
You Are a Light Bearer
Friday, February 7th | 2:00pm-3:30pm | Room: La Jolla


With the awareness of the near-death experience there is a subtle view in how we are perceiving consciousness in today’s world. Come and spend 90 minutes with Dannion and get a clear view of the reality that you are truly living in, as opposed to the one that religions, institutions and governments are creating around you.    We all need a clear perspective as we enter the beginning of 2025. Dannion will give insights into the events he witnessed in 1975 and the ones that are happening in 2025. Don’t miss seeing him!  It will be an exciting, entertaining, insightful experience, and with plenty of laughter. Dannion truly understands the value of living and dying, and the difference that understanding can make in your life in 2025.

Dannion Brinkley is a NY Times author of the international best-selling book series, Saved by the Light, At Peace in the Light, and The Secrets of the Light. Being struck by lightning in 1975, Dannion was listed as clinically dead for 28 minutes.  His near-death experience has recalibrated the way he would live his life: from a self-absorbed bully to helping others. His books have been translated into 22 languages, offering an informative view on the death protocols: the immersive panoramic life review, the seeds of the dark, enigmatic blue-grey place and the prophetic boxes of knowledge.  Dannion’s life’s experiences have taught him that no one dies and every breath matters.



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                                                                                  Check out his latest book in the Expo Book Awards