Althea Lucrezia Avanzo 2025 - Conscious Life Expo
Althea Lucrezia Avanza 2025
Keynote Workshop 2025
A Saturday Day Pass is required to attend this Paid Workshop.
Althea Lucrezia Avanzo 2025
Access Multidimensional Powers
Saturday, February 8th | 8:00pm-9:30pm | Room: La Jolla
$50.00 In Advance $60.00 At the Door

Multidimensional Collective Planetary & Galactic Gridwork.

Learn how to connect to the Planetary and Galactic Grids to better assist in the Collective Ascension and Awakening Process, expand and understand what your unique Blueprint DNA Structure can offer to Humanity. We will learn how to access more of our Multidimensional Powers through practical techniques and tools in order to be able to connect & activate more of Earths Light Grids, Portals & Ley Lines. Together we will connect to the Earth Light Grid and Activate your Earth Star Consciousness with a Powerful Light Language Transmission. Includes some Q & A time for anyone to ask topic related questions at the end.

Althea Lucrezia Avanzo is a Multidimensional channel, Galactic & E.T. Contactee, she delves into the intricate language of light and its role in awakening our individual divine potential. She assists in Clearing timelines & accessing the Akashic realm through DNA & Blueprint Upgrades.