Family Constellations: Break the Cycle
Join us to learn about a leading-edge modality called Family Constellations (developed by Psychotherapist Bert Hellinger). A participant from the audience will be chosen to demonstrate a live process of this transformational modality with a well-trained facilitator. You will also learn some basics about this work, and how it can explain (and shift) recurring patterns, emotions, habits, and experiences. This workshop is for anyone ready to end generational patterns and step into a life with greater freedom, love, and liberation. You don't want to miss this powerful chance to shift the trajectory of your life, relationships, career, well-being, and money habits!
Alexis Gonzalez is an author, speaker, CEO, and a Family Constellation Facilitator. She has been trained by reputable teachers of Family Constellations, Reiki, Mediumship/Psychism, and public speaking for a decade. She produces videos on YouTube and facilitates workshops worldwide.
Check out her book in the Expo Book Awards