Alec Zeck 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Alec Zeck 2024
Keynote Workshop 2024
A Friday Day Pass is required to attend this paid Workshop.
Alec Zeck 2024
The Truth About Contagion
Friday, February 9th | 8:00pm-9:30pm | Room: Rabbit Hole

Reframing the Infectious Disease Paradigm

What if what we’ve been told about so-called “infectious” and “contagious” diseases is all wrong? What if it’s all based in a totally unproven paradigm, and there are plenty of other plausible explanations for what causes disease— even disease amongst 2 or more people in the same space? What are the implications for Individual health and public health policies?  Alec will explore the rarely questioned foundational assumptions underpinning all of modern medicine, the pseudoscience of the germ hypothesis and virology, what really makes us sick, and why all of this is important.

Alec Zeck received his B.S. in Systems Engineering from United States Military Academy at West Point. He is a speaker, producer, podcaster, and former Army Captain. He founded The Way Forward, and produced The End Of COVID educational series.