Adi Dharma 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Adi Dharma 2024
Free Lecture 2024
A Friday Day Pass is required to attend this free lecture.
Adi Dharma 2024
Manifest Like a Yogi
Friday, February 9th | 1:00pm-1:45pm | Room: Century A

Manifest Like a Yogi

Would you like to learn how yogis and tantrics manifest? Adi Dharma is here to share his experience on the yogic path and how anyone can become a more powerful manifestor. You will learn how to manipulate your attachments and desires to make reality more dreamlike and manifest faster. He will also share how you can incorporate mantras, pujas and writing into your practice.

Adi Dharma is a yogi on the path to self-realization. He has been blessed to learn from many gifted yogis and teachers and he looks forward to sharing his knowledge.