A.L. Garris 2024 - Conscious Life Expo
Andrea Garris 2024
Free Lecture 2024
A Saturday Day Pass is required to attend this Free Lecture
A.L. Garris 2024
Being the New Human
Saturday February 10th | 12:00pm-12:45pm | Room: Century C

Being the New Human

Teachings to activate and anchor the higher you. She will teach and guide you as you embrace the sacred spaces of your Being. Implementation is the key. Learn to implement your higher flow. Be guided and activated to live within your divine frequency. Drop old cycles and dense patterns. Connect with your light teams. She offers grounding frequencies to assist ascension, and Sacred Heart - I AM Reconnection. Remember who you are.

A.L. Garris is a master teacher, author, and the origination of Acasma Quantum Energy. A.L. is also known as, the woman who walks with angels, & Mother of Light.